You know what? I've actually held this one back for some time now as it's fairly controversial.
Why? Because as you look at the different difficulties real people are having, you can't blame them for feeling cynical, sarcastic, sometimes very angry and overall disappointed.
These are some of the most challenging times our generations have seen. Challenging for me too and the truth is, we all will have to make some changes.
But I have 2 questions for you...
1 - When did being cynical ever solve your problem, when did being sarcastic make everything ok again?
2 - How does it feel inside when you are cynical or sarcastic? Does it really make you feel good about yourself and about life? I agree it can make you feel good to own someone, the feeling of being right, clever, feeling strong. But ultimately it leaves us feeling empty.
I'd like to suggest there is a better way . You see, when we blame world events , political leaders, or those we are close to for the way things are, we play the victim and now is not the time to play that role. Now is the time for you and me to stand up, and act.
Only with ACTION will we make any difference to life at all.
Here are some ways we can actually do something real, to help us, and others feel positive and make a real difference.
1. I have said this one before but its so powerful. If you are sat somewhere worrying about all of this, get up and get out!!! Physically get outside, somewhere you enjoy, and get moving. We all know moving makes us feel better! Get out of that worry space, get out of your head. Get some music on, breathe and have some fun. Go watch the sun rise. Do something to make you feel alive!
2. Instead of focussing on what you don't have, think about what you do. Right now in this moment, do you have a roof over your head? Do you have people you love or who love you? What things are you thankful for? Who are you thankful for?
3. What do you keep saying to yourself? If you keep saying the same things over and over you will hypnotise yourself to believing it and you will keep feeling the same. What could you say to yourself everyday to make you feel like you can do this?
4. Don't see it worse than it is. Some of us always make problems bigger than they really are . Yes some things might have to change. Yes sacrifices might have to be made. But we can still do this! So see it as it is, not worse than it is.
5. See it better than it is . People who create change in their lives do so because they SEE that it can be better than it is. They imagine, they dream, they believe, they talk and share. They look forward to it. See it better than it is. See it and live it now. Start making a difference.
6. Focus every hour on it being better now. Do something today to make it better now. Even a 2-millimetre change can have huge impact down the road.
7. Take action and think about EVERY SINGLE WAY you can make savings. What do you really need? What is important to you? For example Money Saving Expert has so many ways to save and to make more too! Take a look. Take action.
8. Take action and think about EVERY SINGLE WAY you can make MORE. What skills do you have? Could you have? What are you good at? There will be someone willing to pay to learn what you can do, to learn what you know. Be creative. It's time for ACTION! What can you make? What can you teach? What advice can you offer?
9. Don't blame others, it wastes your energy, it doesn't change anything, and it keeps your focus as a victim. Take responsibility and do something NOW!
10. Remember this will not last forever. Every winter is followed by a spring . It is not going to always be like this. We need to see that and act now to experience the good spring coming ahead of us.
11. Be THANKFUL. Fill yourself up with the miracle that is life. What an absolute wonder we are . Look at the kids in your life and learn from them. What is truly important?
Life is full of great times and painful times too. It is the painful ones that cause us to truly grow, to change, to shift and become more. There has never been an opportunity like this for you to show the world how strong you can be. How you can rise above this and see that it can be better, it will be better, because YOU will make it so.
Who's with me? Chris
PS. If you found this at all helpful please do like and share. You might help someone else too who really needs to hear this.